Welcome to FlexiTime.

We empower the modern workforce by building innovative tools and solutions that promote flexible work arrangements.

We believe in the power of technology to break down traditional barriers and create new opportunities for work and growth.

We are dedicated to creating a future where individuals and businesses can thrive in a dynamic, connected world.

The world of work has changed.

Businesses are increasingly adopting hybrid workforce strategies and people are choosing flexibility over the security of permanent work.

Work hours are variable and dynamic, workplaces are increasingly distributed or remote, and contracting and freelancing are on the rise.

FlexiTime helps ambitious businesses manage and pay their flexible workforce. Our modern workforce suite includes solutions for payroll, time and attendance, leave management, contractor management, rostering and recruitment.

Shift Workers


Rostering / Timeclock

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Leave & Time / Payroll / Tax

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Contractor Management / Recruitment

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Our Story

Like many tech companies, FlexiTime began because our founders had a need and spotted an opportunity. We’ve forged our own way, building a world class SaaS business from the ground up.

We’ve come a long way since launching our first product in 2008, a payroll system for small NZ businesses. Now there are tens of thousands of people around the world using our products to do better business each and every day.

One thing that hasn’t changed is our obsessive focus on innovation, design and usability. We know that smart technology used in the right way can transform lives for the better.